As the project scales up, local benefits become paired with city and regional benefits


The favela of Rio das Pedras is an extremely dense neighbourhood on a much larger scale, lying on flat land prone to flooding. The flow of waste water is directed away from the river, towards wetlands constructed on the periphery of the community. The system again demonstrates its flexibility, adapting to the context and utilising the extensive open space surrounding the built up area. Solar powered pumps are used more extensively to return water to the community for reuse and to feed in to local water courses. This enables the river to recover, eventually becoming a valuable public space, preventing waste water from polluting the Barra Lagoon.

Population: 90.000

Area: 44,9 ha

Density: 2005 POP/Ha

Water supply: CEDAE & Mountain Springs

Proposal for: 10.000 buildings  |  90.000 people  |  12.780 m3 water/day

Designs were developed for this area to explore the potential of the system in a very dense, but also flat context, as well as the ability for the system to begin to scale up.

A lack of sanitation and use of the water courses as waste disposal means that public space becomes defined by rubbish and open sewage, damaging pride in neighbourhoods and leading to social conflict.